Electrical Safety Management
Poor electrical safety can be lethal! You could be looking at extensive litigation, huge fines and even prosecution if a workplace electrical incident is shown to have been preventable.
Every organisation, large or small, should review their electrical safety management to make sure you:
- Know that all your key risks are managed
- Structure your policies and procedures so that everyone can easily understand them
- Have the confidence to manage risk effectively
Poor electrical safety can be lethal! You could be looking at extensive litigation, huge fines and even prosecution if a workplace electrical incident is shown to have been preventable.
Every organisation, large or small, should review their electrical safety management to make sure you:
- Know that all your key risks are managed
- Structure your policies and procedures so that everyone can easily understand them
- Have the confidence to manage risk effectively

Exeltech Ltd uses the IET’s Code of Practice for Electrical Safety Management. Doing so provides a comprehensive guide to the fundamentals of electrical safety and a systematic set of principles for assessing and managing electrical safety relevant to any business, sector and country, Exeltech Ltd can provide full reports based upon this model code.
Having safe systems of work is a legal requirement, according to Regulation 4(3) of the Electricity at Work Regulations. Safety is best achieved through an integrated Electrical Safety Management system which can be designed and maintained by Exeltech Ltd. Our years of experience managing and operating electrical systems and equipment both at Low Voltage and High Voltage puts us in an ideal position to protect your companies interests.
Exeltech Ltd uses the IET’s Code of Practice for Electrical Safety Management. Doing so provides a comprehensive guide to the fundamentals of electrical safety and a systematic set of principles for assessing and managing electrical safety relevant to any business, sector and country, Exeltech Ltd can provide full reports based upon this model code.
Having safe systems of work is a legal requirement, according to Regulation 4(3) of the Electricity at Work Regulations. Safety is best achieved through an integrated Electrical Safety Management system which can be designed and maintained by Exeltech Ltd. Our years of experience managing and operating electrical systems and equipment both at Low Voltage and High Voltage puts us in an ideal position to protect your companies interests.

Site Audit & Gap Analysis
The team at EXELTECH LTD can also come to your premises and undertake an onsite audit of your existing procedures, systems, and work practices. We’ll present you with a gap-report and a series of recommendations that we can then assist you in implementing if required. In some cases, your site may already have adequate safe systems of work. Still, a review by an external body may be necessary, our team of experts can carry this out, reporting on and recommending any alterations or improvements.

Electrical Safety Rules
For some, this is the entry point on our service offerings, but in the majority of cases, it is the next stage in the Electrical Safety Management Process. We work closely with you to develop a set of electrical safety rules, supporting procedures and safety documents, and we’re able to integrate anything that you already have in place. The safety rules and procedures must have the right feel and approach for your business as well as achieving compliance with legislation and standards. What is right for one client is not necessarily right for the others. There shall be several meetings to ensure that we have met your requirements and only when you have signed off on the safety rules will we move to the next stage
Electrical Safety Rules
For some, this is the entry point on our service offerings, but in the majority of cases, it is the next stage in the Electrical Safety Management Process. We work closely with you to develop a set of electrical safety rules, supporting procedures and safety documents, and we’re able to integrate anything that you already have in place. The safety rules and procedures must have the right feel and approach for your business as well as achieving compliance with legislation and standards. What is right for one client is not necessarily right for the others. There shall be several meetings to ensure that we have met your requirements and only when you have signed off on the safety rules will we move to the next stage

Electrical Safety Programs
Exeltech Ltd promotes the use of proper electrical safety practices based on the countries standard and ethical practices.
Exeltech Ltd offers recommendations on what’s required in a complete program.
The purpose of the Electrical Safety Program is to provide a practical, safe working environment for employees and contractors
regarding the hazards arising from the use of electricity.
The hazards include electrical shock, arc flash burn, and other potential electrical safety hazards. The Program complies with electrical systems regulatory requirements and identifies electrical safety principles, controls and good practices
to be followed by employees and contractors.
Typical Electrical safety program principles include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Inspecting and evaluating the electrical equipment
- Maintaining the electrical equipment’s insulation and enclosure integrity
- Planning every job and document first-time procedures
- De-energizing, if possible
- Identifying the electrical hazards and reduce the associated risk
- Protecting employees from shock, burn, blast, and other hazards due to the working environment
- Using the right tools for the job
- Assessing people’s abilities
Typical Electrical Safety Program Procedures can include, but are not limited to determination and assessment of the following:
- Purpose of task
- Qualifications and number of employees to be involved
- Identification of hazards and assessment of risks of the task (4) Limits of approach
- Safe work practices to be used
- Personal protective equipment (PPE) involved
- Insulating materials and tools involved
- Special precautionary techniques
- Electrical single-line
Typical Electrical Safety Program Controls can include, but are not limited to, the following:
- The employer develops programs and procedures, including training, and the employees apply them.
- Employees are to be trained to be qualified for working in an environment influenced by the presence of electrical energy.
- Procedures are to be used to identify the electrical hazards and to develop job safety plans to eliminate those hazards or to control the associated risk for those hazards that cannot be eliminated.
- Every electrical conductor or circuit part is considered energised until proved otherwise.
- Tasks to be performed within the limited approach boundary or arc flash boundary of exposed energised electrical conductors and circuit parts are to be identified and categorised.
- A logical approach is to be used to determine the associated risk of each task.
Electrical Safety Programs
Exeltech Ltd promotes the use of proper electrical safety practices based on the countries standard and ethical practices.
Exeltech Ltd offers recommendations on what’s required in a complete program.
The purpose of the Electrical Safety Program is to provide a practical, safe working environment for employees and contractors
regarding the hazards arising from the use of electricity.
The hazards include electrical shock, arc flash burn, and other potential electrical safety hazards. The Program complies with electrical systems regulatory requirements and identifies electrical safety principles, controls and good practices
to be followed by employees and contractors.
Typical Electrical safety program principles include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Inspecting and evaluating the electrical equipment
- Maintaining the electrical equipment’s insulation and enclosure integrity
- Planning every job and document first-time procedures
- De-energizing, if possible
- Identifying the electrical hazards and reduce the associated risk
- Protecting employees from shock, burn, blast, and other hazards due to the working environment
- Using the right tools for the job
- Assessing people’s abilities
Typical Electrical Safety Program Procedures can include, but are not limited to determination and assessment of the following:
- Purpose of task
- Qualifications and number of employees to be involved
- Identification of hazards and assessment of risks of the task (4) Limits of approach
- Safe work practices to be used
- Personal protective equipment (PPE) involved
- Insulating materials and tools involved
- Special precautionary techniques
- Electrical single-line
Typical Electrical Safety Program Controls can include, but are not limited to, the following:
- The employer develops programs and procedures, including training, and the employees apply them.
- Employees are to be trained to be qualified for working in an environment influenced by the presence of electrical energy.
- Procedures are to be used to identify the electrical hazards and to develop job safety plans to eliminate those hazards or to control the associated risk for those hazards that cannot be eliminated.
- Every electrical conductor or circuit part is considered energised until proved otherwise.
- Tasks to be performed within the limited approach boundary or arc flash boundary of exposed energised electrical conductors and circuit parts are to be identified and categorised.
- A logical approach is to be used to determine the associated risk of each task.
Publication & Training
Many of our clients request that we arrange for the Safety Rules, Electrical Safety Programs and Supporting Procedures to be printed in a handy booklet format. Likewise, we can arrange for Safety Documents such as Electrical Permits to be published in duplicate or triplicate format. A training package, including trainer notes, PowerPoint presentations, and end-of-course assessment, can be developed. We can issue it for delivery by your training staff, or we can send one of our experienced trainers to you.

We assist you in setting up your competency systems and can even develop a database to get you on the right lines. We can offer Authorising Engineer capabilities and develop Certificates of Appointment for you to manage onsite. We can even provide an audit service to ensure that you stay compliant.
We assist you in setting up your competency systems and can even develop a database to get you on the right lines. We can offer Authorising Engineer capabilities and develop Certificates of Appointment for you to manage onsite. We can even provide an audit service to ensure that you stay compliant.

Technical Authority
Using Health and Safety Executive figures an electrical fatality could cost around £1.6 million (2015) A poorly implemented project could cost an organisation millions in lost production. By carrying out Due Diligence in the early stages of project implementation, a company can save Millions by removing the unnecessary scope, materials and managing engineering costs. Having an Electrical Technical Authority helps you avoid these events costs. It’s good business to manage your electrical risk.
Businesses are carrying less Engineers, relying on personnel that does not have adequate knowledge of electricity
and electrical engineering good practice.
The role of the Technical Authority is to identify and advise businesses on where they show exposure to risk and to help them to reduce their exposure by ensuring that control/management systems are in place and are active and productive.
Technical Authority
Using Health and Safety Executive figures an electrical fatality could cost around £1.6 million (2015) A poorly implemented project could cost an organisation millions in lost production. By carrying out Due Diligence in the early stages of project implementation, a company can save Millions by removing the unnecessary scope, materials and managing engineering costs. Having an Electrical Technical Authority helps you avoid these events costs. It’s good business to manage your electrical risk.
Businesses are carrying less Engineers, relying on personnel that does not have adequate knowledge of electricity
and electrical engineering good practice.
The role of the Technical Authority is to identify and advise businesses on where they show exposure to risk and to help them to reduce their exposure by ensuring that control/management systems are in place and are active and productive.
What Sort Of Businesses Would Benefit From
A Technical Authority?
If your business carries risk in the following areas, you could benefit from involving Exeltech Ltd in a Technical Authority role?
Legislative Compliance: Electricity at Work; Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres; Provision and
Use of Work Equipment; Machinery Safety; Fire Safety.
Projects: engineering standards; acceptance testing; design reviews • Competency Management of staff and suppliers:
Authorisations; minimum requirements; auditing.
Maintenance: Asset management; predictive/preventative; condition-based; obsolescence; ageing plant.
Electrical Safety Management: Electric Shock and Arc Flash; Electrical Safety Rules; Instructions on other subjects:
Excavations; Hazardous Areas; Electrical testing; Isolation and Immobilisation.
Technical Assessment of Suppliers: the HSE’s intelligent customer.
Operations: Management of change reviews
What Sort Of Businesses Would Benefit From
A Technical Authority?
If your business carries risk in the following areas, you could benefit from involving Exeltech Ltd in a Technical Authority role?
Legislative Compliance: Electricity at Work; Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres; Provision and
Use of Work Equipment; Machinery Safety; Fire Safety.
Projects: engineering standards; acceptance testing; design reviews • Competency Management of staff and suppliers:
Authorisations; minimum requirements; auditing.
Maintenance: Asset management; predictive/preventative; condition-based; obsolescence; ageing plant.
Electrical Safety Management: Electric Shock and Arc Flash; Electrical Safety Rules; Instructions on other subjects:
Excavations; Hazardous Areas; Electrical testing; Isolation and Immobilisation.
Technical Assessment of Suppliers: the HSE’s intelligent customer.
Operations: Management of change reviews